Wednesday, December 19, 2007

FA La La La LA La La La LA!

What would x-mas be without SaNtA!! He made a grand appearance today (12/19) at Playgroup! SaNtA was the ReAl DeAl-and was so kind and gentle with the children! Ryland told him he wanted a dog and skateboard for x-mas. Last time he visited Santa it was a penguin! ha ha ha Dacie enjoyed the attention so she loved him, and Ryland was worried about where his juice box was!
What would ChRisTmAs be without our X-mas concerts!! Here is Sterling performing with his preschool on Monday evening (12/17)! ( he is the farthest on the right-as if he does not stand out!)
Dan told me he knew I had said that Sterling was the tallest in his class (not the oldest either...mind you) BUT he did not realize I meant 7 inches taller!! His huge hands made for big antlers to HELP with the height issue-ha ha ha ha ha ha
Colton had his choir concert the following night (Tuesday 12/18)- we had some quick dinner nights! He is on the top row second in on the left (he WAS the tallest until his friend moved in and is less than a half an inch shorter)
Colton posing in front of the snowman decor at his concert!

DaCiE and her friend AvEry showing off their matching holiday BoWs (that mommy had made) at the concert!

On BaHumBug note: We were a little jealous of all the grandparents at the concerts-we do wish we lived closer to family during the holidays!!! Also, Sterling started screaming after his bath saying he could not be brave anymore (I guess he had been experiencing pain he did not tell us about) on Sat. 12/15-so we took him into the urgent care and found that he had two severe ear infections. He stayed awake for most the evening until the antibiotics kicked in. We checked with the doc yesterday and they are still flaming! Dacie has had two restless nights and then spiked a 102 fever yesterday. She is now on antibiotics as well--and mommy rocked with her for a good portion of the early evening last night! Here is to hEaltH and sLeEp for the New YEaR! (or I may sit on Santa's lap and ask him myself). Tissues anyone? Does anyone know a for sure way to dry up those runny noses?!!!!! Ba HUmBug!


Kelby and Amber-Rose said...

Holy COW! Dacie just keeps getting cuter and cuter!!! I can't wait for her and Mikkelle to meet. You are so good at this Blog thing. I need to get better! You're my blog idol!

TexasTwinsTwice said...

love the post & pics Alicia! Sorry to hear about Sterling & Dacie being sick. =( If you find a cure for runny noses let me know--ALL my girls have had a runny nose since AUGUST!!!

mjs ashworth said...

love the bows! The pictures are so cute!! Merry merry christmas!! wish our playgroup was cool enough to have Santa come!!:)