Cute Story: On Christmas Eve we went and delivered muffins and carols to neighbors-since it was still early in the evening after we were done, we decided to kill some time (since the kids would just be home going nuts)~ before going home to read x-mas stories and tucking them in for a LONG winters nap (with the help of some Benadryl). We thought we would go and look at our favorite x-mas house lights. Colton was frothing at the mouth to " go to bed" so Santa could come and started wailing in protest about the x-mas light adventure. He wailed so much we tried a little reverse psychology and told him we would take him home to go to bed BUT the rest of the family was going to see lights. He was ecstatic. Our plan had backfired, and we had to drop him off at home alone to get ready for bed. He JUMPED out of the car and off we went down the street to the lighted house. I was a bit nervous about leaving him alone wondering what a 6-year old could get himself in trouble with while we were gone. We returned home to find him in his pj's (clothes folded and put away), teeth brushed, and him sitting on the table with a plate of cookies for Santa and chocolate milk he had made himself (the chocolate milk that is). He also had a post-it list for every person in our family telling Santa what we each wanted (he had kept pretty good inventory). My heart was so soft, I had forgotten how exciting a child's Christmas is! After the bedtime stories he was asleep pretty quick-
Here is Dacie AFTER all the presents were gone! We thought we had been smarter than the babies by getting a tree that was higher off the ground BUT she managed to find the lights! Here is her "I am doing something naughty are you going to catch me" smile~ Little Stinker! She got caught red-handed on film!

oh i'm so impressed you already have your Christmas pictures up! You always know how to celebrate the holidays! That is so funny about Colton being so ready for Santa. Christmas really is sooooo fun for kids to look forward to!
oh, and i love your tree & Dacie's outfit is STINKIN' ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like you guys had a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! ALL you pictures are so darn cute! What a sweet little family you have! Dacie looks like santa's little helper in her red outfit I LOVE IT!! Girls are so fun! Happy New Year!
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