Monday, May 26, 2008

Seminary Bar-B-Q!!!

(Missing the Westover Twins, in this picture, and their family who arrived later!)
On Tuesday(5/20) Evening we helped end Seminary with a BaNg!! ..and we had Dan's seminary class over for a bar-b-Q and some DaNcInG (dance, dance revolution) --to say our final farewells!!!

(we were glad that the seniors all made it, so Dan could say good-bye properly this time)Carly Blair 'tearing it up" on the dance floor--she 'schooled' us all...even holding Dacie below!
Sterling getting in on the action as well!

1 comment:

TexasTwinsTwice said...

how fun! That's so nice you guys did that for them to celebrate. I bet Dan's the best Seminary teacher.