Wednesday, November 21, 2007

S is FOR......

S if for Sterling and his Special day. On Monday (11-19) it was FINALLY his Special day at preschool. He brought in his lunch sack full of letter S items- a Snake, Stickers, and pictures he drew of friends Sahara, Sadie, and Sterling. It was also the Special Thanksgiving feast that mommy and Ryland were able to attend. We made popcorn (oops-we broke away from the S).

S is also for Sterling who gets Slammed with Sickness. Soon as his body recovered from the Stomach flu he came down with a bad case of Strep. After two Sleepless nights he was tested and given antibiotics yesterday(11-20).

S is for Sterling's Sister~ Dacie. She now has 9 teeth (that is 3 new ones) which she managed to get through while she was throwing up. She had her first normal diaper on Saturday BUT went right back to abnormal. We are going on day 10 since she got sick! She is showing off her new outfit from Aunt Kerri and bow made by mommy (while sucking on a battery), and playing with pumpkin seeds for her first time during our Thanksgiving Family Home Evening we had on Monday evening (11-19). She is living on yogurt!

S is for Skunks. Have it old you I hate them? We are working on trapping our second skunk as we entice him closer and closer with apples each evening. We tried to do the full-on trapping the first night and it backfired. We assume he went in the trap to get the apple and triggered the door early. Of course Spooking the Skunk, and so he Sprayed. It was 3:30am, and the only reason I know this is because it woke me up. I thought it was Dan being "stinky" so I told him to roll over or do something (we had a good laugh about that the next morning when I realized what it really was). Dan woke up a short time later to the same Smell and Sprayed our house with Lysol-hoping to damper the poignant smell. The trap is right outside our window! Pee-ewe. I think we may kill this skunk rather than let it free! I hate SKUNKS, whose name should really be SKINKS!


Marcus, Amy, and Lola said...

dacie looks so cute in that outfit! and that bow is SO cute. we should make some when we come down for new years. i hope lola still fits into that outfit! She is getting so big!

The Sorensen Bunch said... is a bow date for sure!!! I wil try not make them too big for marcus's sake. I hope they fit in their matching outfits because I do not think we have enough pictures of them in matching ones-ha ha. you can never get enough! You make good milk momma!

Unknown said...

no...this is a skink