We got a NEW CompUter FINALLY....and after having an anxiety attack about transferring pictures and figuring out how to download them onto a new computer so I can Blog, email and print. Dan came and helped me for two hours to figure it out. So I thought I would pull up some of the cute picts. we were working with of the silly kiddos, to show for some of the fruits of our two-hour labor.
Oh, what do you do with a baby that puts everything in her mouth and crawls?...take pictures(ha ha) and KEEP a close eye on her (she has only gagged and had to be finger swiped twice, so far)
A sweet tid bit: Dacie now gives kisses when asked. They are the cute, lean-in open-mouthed ones~ I LoVe first baby kisses
Tonight (1/13/08) Dacie was in HeAvEn Johnny jumping in the doorway! She LoVeD it-she could stand, jump and be near her family without getting into some kind of trouble (the boys toys they are playing with, trashcans, computer printer, etc.) Check out her wild hair after I pulled out her two pigtails!
We are growing out Sterling and Ryland's hair again~and that always makes after shower hair fantastic! (Sterling was being grumpy and told me to stop taking silly pictures of him)
Ryland's hair is typically VERY flat and Very Thin. After naps one day he awoke with such volume in it, it made his head look like and alien's--HUGE! The boys and I could not stop laughing (you can't get the best height angle from this picture, but it works). So there you have it IF you are having a flat hair day...take a nap Ryland style!
*Dan and I got a little break last night from the crazy kiddos, when we got a babysitter and played games at a friends house. We have not had that much fun playing games in a LONG time. There was some serious mafia, getting to know you better, Mr. Green and signs GAMES going on! Aaah to be a teenager again!
These pictures are adorable. I'm always checking your blog to see new ones!! =) That is cute Dacie is giving little kisses & I LOVE your boys' hair. That is funny Sterling covered his face--he knew the photo could later be used against him! =) Glad you guys had fun with all the game playing!
Sis Hutchings! I am the worse person to write back to people. It was great to hear that you had gotten ahold of me from my wife. You have a beautiful family. Life is grand isn't it? I hope you guys are all well. My wife does her blog thing. Honestly, it took me over 10 min to figure out how to leave a comment after getting the password from her. Computers are Sarah's thing, not mine. Are you close enough for a mission reunion? We live on Whidbey Island, WA just two hours north of Seattle. We are heading back the end of March to Provo because my brother is getting married. I have no idea where you and your family lives. I am hopefully going to see Elder Sidwell again, as well as Elder Watson, and even maybe Elder Weeks (ya that one). Long story. Take care and we will talk with ya later.
Alicia- that picture of Dacie made me laugh. We always laugh at Crue's big mouth. I am going to have to innitiate a binky recall because Crue puts the whole entire binky in his mouth! Looks like she could give him a run for his money:)!! Cute pictures, cute kids, cute mom:)!!!
hey--just wanted to let you know Carla put pics of her new baby & her stats on her blog. I know you said you were interested in how it all went with baby #5 & it looks like her kids are handling it well. she seems to be doing great too--no health issues =). You can follow the link from my page if you want. it's under 'family' 'carla & brig'
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