BUT they pulled through for pj's
(with the shopping help of mom and dad)
Dan told us to let her do it...you think I am being replaced? ha ha ha
She was so VERY into the part...especially taking care of baby Jesus
Then it was laying out of the cookies, brushing the teeth, and the parents hoping that sleep would come QUICKLY!
**wanna come visit our house for the holidays?...check out the video below!!!
That house was amazing. What a cool Christmas tradition.
We went and saw the lights too! They are amazing! Hope everything is going good girl!
Talk about kids getting big! Even Binka has grown a lot! Dacie is so darn cute! The boys are handsome as can be!
We'll have to get that address next year. Cool lights!
Love the nativity. We make our kids do it every year....I guess we could join them. :0)
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