OF Course, I read the books (ALL of them) and OF COURSE I went to the movie.
IF I spent hours late into the eve pouring over the pages to get my coveted reading time....I certainly could "sacrifice" to get in some of the movie time.
I was a twilight gal LONG before it became a rage and there was talk of the movie. I have to give my babysitter/YW/friends (Jentry Taylor, and the Westover twins) credit for opening the door of curiosity.
I was looking for something new to read and they recommended the Twilight series. I was a little skeptical hearing the story line, BUT I thought the books were great. Not to mention it has come in handy to be well versed w/ this knowledge for my new calling in stake Young Women's!
I am typically not a vampire werewolf gory kind of fan AT ALL, but I felt the writing was well done and mature so that this story was not "cheesy" and I was drawn in. I did feel in the 2nd book there started to be too much killing and I began to question my devotion...but I continued reading and was content.
There are adult themes talked about in them, but I feel like the author is careful and also mature in her writing of these topics (after all she IS LDS).
I have been excited to see it in a movie!!! ...
(Waiting in line..we got the best seats in the house due to covert operations of my fellow friends!)I went with some die hard fans and it made it all the more fun. I can safely say I am a Twilight fan,
As in most cases the movie is NEVER as good as the book--
I felt like we were laughing when it was suppose to be serious. It was hard to get pulled in through the movie. As one of my friends (Kelli
Bargar) put it put it... I thought-- oh!, this movie is good and then I would think oh!, it's OK a few minutes later.
AND I was
pleasantly surprised by most of the casting even if that was not who I would have chosen originally! Not gonna lie...EDWARD was HOT!
It was still a SUPER FUN night!
(Don't we make great vampire mommas?...ha ha)
Nights don't get much more fun than this...when you get a group of FUN moms and friends together, Go to dinner at the
Outback AND be teens together, just for the night!

Stories and laughter don't get much better than this.
Especially when you have people running around the theatre in vampire capes and boy friends out front of the theatre picketing w/ signs that say "Boyfriends against vampires!" ha ha ha
There is time to laugh...
(Like I said, a securely married woman certainly can be a teen for the eve!)