OK so I have learned the through the school of hard knocks that sickness is a BIG part of childhood, and "nursing" those sick children is an ABSOLUTE part of motherhood. I have resigned myself to the fact, accepted it, and have made the best of it. We have our little systems down (a saved small mattress in the bathroom when the puking starts, and an on-hand bucket), I always keep a stock of certain necessities on hand. I feed my children vitamins, and probiotics. I look for the "natural" methods. But I also keep them vaccinated and well checked with the doctor.I sterilize water bottles, towels, bedding, toys and always have a can of Lysol on hand. So I feel like I do my part to keep "what comes what may", at bay.BUT after last night I am throwing my arms in the air " I SURRENDER!!!"
Colton came down with the swine flu about 2.5 weeks ago. He just went back to school full-time at the beginning of this week. Not only does the virus last long BUT it is the "other" things that come with it that take longer to fix. He ended up with a double ear infection, losing about 9 pounds and losing all motivation to do ANYTHING.
I had to spoon feed him most meals and made sure he drank. I stripped his sheets, bathed him, changed his pj's...and so on. I have not missed a medication, given him medications he did not want, and blown noses and cleaned up coughing vomit more than I would like to mention.The problem is there are 3 other kids to tend while he is sick!
Unfortunately, my sister probably picked up the virus from being around him and she has absolutely been "out of commission" for over 2 weeks, and still sounds AWFUL~ She will probably be out the rest of this month. I can't be around her at all. I feel so bad....
She has been my 'life-line" in regards to childcare this last year. Dans parents are close but both work full-time and are going to help with a new niece being born in a week or 2 (they cannot risk getting sick) So with out family-any form of reprieve I use to receive with my kids has been gone. I have had one of them attached at my hip AT ALL TIMES- shopping, going to the bathroom, meals, helping at the school,most drs. appointments, etc. and I can't ask anyone else to babysit because I cannot spread the germs. I have been on house arrest with grouchy kiddos.
On top of Coltons sickness, Sterling came down with the stomach bug, it was swift but violent. He has since contracted another form of it at the other end...as well as Dacie.
I came down with a milder form of the swine flu this last week and have just felt "off" with a pounding headache. I think my vaccine may have kicked in...BUT there is NOT MUCH I can take for reprieve in regards to pain. Dan has really done THE BEST he can with helping when he is home. He cannot take off too much work b/c he pays our mortgage and after a certain amount of sick days he is on leave without pay. We HAVE to make it work.
I felt better yesterday then I have in a LONG time. So I went to town bleaching the entire house!!! It needed some good cleaning. In fact, I bleached the skin off my knuckles doing it!
So lo and behold, Dan comes home from work with 103.5 degree fever last night!!! He has been taking Advil (a very RARE thing I can get him to do) the last 2 days fighting it off. It arrived...he was 'on fire' all night and the medicine did not lower anything. He had the chills and was awake most of the evening. His throat is on fire too. So after a LONG day of bleaching I did not get the rest I thought I might.
TO Top it ALL off- Ryland woke up around 10:30pm and started throwing up the rest of the evening. Between Dan's chills, fever, medicine, snoring, and running into the other bathroom to clean up vomit and diarrhea I am tired and SUPER bummed....
I realize this will all go away and it will be fine.Dan is at the urgent care as we speak hopefully to get some tama flu and antibiotics...so we can lessen the time of his sickness. I am sure being pregnant has not helped the matter. Scrubbing the floors on my hands and knees is already starting to get tiresome. I am not surprised my baby boy is cramping today and I feel little out of sorts. My heart aches for those who are sick and I want to help them.... but some moments I feel absolutely alone, tired and SICK of being SICK! It is hard enough running a household when you are feeling well and everyone else is, but when you and everyone else is not....it stinks!!!I don;t understand why you can almost have a week of "on the mends" children, only to POP up with more. I guess I feel hopeless at times too because I realize there is a few strands of things going around here, and there is ALLOT more of us to work through. I have a supportive husband ( I would never have married any different), but he works ALLOT and is gone allot...so a large portion of all the family and household responsibility is mine- it can be a large burden to carry at times.
So now that I have my lonely pity party. I will return to those who need me most.My list is long and life continues on with obligations I have to meet...sometimes I wish I had a fairy godmother who could touch those things that NEVER will get done (like fixing our back deck, making room for a 5th child in a too small house....)
I have had ENOUGH!