Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Concerts!!!!

So the day Dan and I left for Texas to see Aunt Kerri get married-it proved to be a most eventFULL day.
After helping in the classes, getting all the kids gifts to teachers, sending in icing for class parties, getting rides to basketball games and practices, shopping, laundry, agendas, medical information, packing....
We also had 2 CHRISTMAS CONCERTS to attend!The FIRST sweet concert we attended that afternoon was at
his preschool is at another local elementary school
at times they are pulled in to help with the special needs preschool
today-they all did a song and poem!
Then, Ryland decorated and iced a sugar cookie for everyone in the family including himself
Once again, the craft portion of the day was Ryland's absolute FAVORITE!!!
Dacie was NOT complaining much either...after all she thinks she belongs there too, and who can complain about front row seating in the kitchen play set with a sugar cookie to boot!
It was a sugary and smiley afternoon!


That evening Dacie and I snuck away from the mayhem at home and went to Sterling's kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd combined choir concert (he was the TALLEST)
My boys SURPRISE me in regards to singing! Where Colton might lack with expression Sterling makes up for. He sings with his mouth wider than ANYONE I have seen. And he can do a mean hip shake for rockin' around the Christmas tree!
He does PRECISELY what the teachers tell him too...
He also got to stand front and center rubbing the sand paper, and a little jig action for Feliz Navidad!
He was a little ROCK STAR... and I am glad we were able to squeeze in the last holiday concert that evening,
schedule busyness and all!
Sterling looked like such a little man that night, and it was cute to hear comments of people around me about him!
Sterling and Ryland are my little STUDS!!!

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