Monday, March 8, 2010

What a WEEKEND!!!!

The Verde Valley Concert Association called Dan and I before Christmas and ask us to be the housing coordinators for the BYU young ambassadors, who were scheduled to perform on their spring tour here in Cottonwood. For those who do not know what the young ambassadors are: They are a singing, dancing, acting troupe (Broadway) of sorts. They are very talented and go through grueling try-outs (over 250 people to only 20).
Being an advocate of the "arts" (especially when it is considered a "cool" thing for the males!)and having been on the BYU folkdance team, I absolutely agreed to help something like this take place in our tiny town. Because Dan is so busy at work the task fell on my lap. Since then, I have found myself busy getting homes, emailing, calling, getting tickets, sending out letters, etc., etc.WELL the NIGHT FINALLY ARRIVED!
BUT before we could go we had to CLEAN THE HOUSE-that about killed my pelvic bone, AND THEN take the other kids to a babysitter, and meet up with some other group date couples at Panda Express!
Dan, Colton, Sterling and I..including a group of our friends, went and saw them perform.
Afterwards, we housed and fed 2 of the male team members (in fact one of them is the very guy on the front cover of the program with his arms out singing--he was the Young Ambassador President).We stayed up late talking about marriage and eating treats after the performance, and had strawberry french toast the next morning. We sadly had to pack them lunches and get them to their bus at 9am. They were a dynamic duo and Dan was relieved that we got "the good ones" as he puts it! ha ha
SOOO After cleaning all day and partying all night...
oh what do you do on a Saturday?
Steal Dad's ipod to listen to your favorite song- black eyed peas "tonight's gonna be a good night"
AND GO FISHING, and TO FEED THE DUCKS at our neighborhood duck pond

It was such a nice spring day out!
We got some good wind, but were grateful to get some of the fun in before the rain hit the next day.
While the boys lacked interest in fishing with a real rod and daddy...
Dacie was enamored to fish with her dad. She kept fighting for more turns to help him and rarely left his side!

The boys preferred this log/stick with a thick rope, paper clip and cheez nips as their mode of funny are they?
They spent almost the entire time finding and making their own rod-which we now keep in our garage! ha ha

We did not catch a thing...but really did not care!
It was fun being as a family
and being near water!
Later that afternoon I capitalized on a birthday gift I got back in October from Dan
The timing could not have been more perfect for me. I had really had a busy week and the baby had dropped..I was feeling emotionally and physically worn.
For the pedicure I got blue sparkly polish for our impending BOY arrival!
After the massage...I have not hurt a bit!
There is wisdom in homeopathic methods!
I was absolutely in heaven
To make the MAKE-OVER complete I went and got my hair highlighted and bangs cut today from a new friend I found out has a salon in her home at Camp Verde!
I always feel so much prettier after
MY BELLY at 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant!!
I can officially have the baby now that I have been "pampered"!!!


Marcus, Amy, and Lola said...

look at that cute belly! LOVE IT. is it weird that im already missing being pregnant...haha. definitely not having another one for a couple years. and i LOVE your hair, especially the bangs.

we (me and the girls) are thinking about coming out sometime soon. but i want to come after you have the baby so we can see him. we'll see...

Amanda said...

Every woman, especially a prego mommy, deserves to be pampered. You look beautiful! I can't believe the day is almost here. I'm only 22 weeks now, lots of time still. I'm so happy for y'all. Your family is darling. Hey a while back you asked about a wrap baby carrier I had, it's called the Moby. It's only about $30 and you can buy it straight from the site. I love it. Especially for when they're little and always want to be held. It makes shopping a breeze. Best to you! Love you!

Trezise Momma said...

You are such a cute pregnant lady!! I am so glad you got your day of pampering before your new little man arrives. I cannot wait to meet Sawyer's playmate! We all just love the Sorensen family!!!

Danielle said...

Can't believe you are already due!!! Saying many prayers for a happy healthy delivery! Love the toes! Painted mine blue for my last delivery trying my luck in hopes of delivering a BOY, but in reality I should of gone with the odds and painted them pink as Girl #3 was destined to be!!!!!!

Angie said...

I think you look great! So happy that you got a little pampering in before el bebe gets here!

I also love Dacie's little do-rag at the fishing expedition. She's such a doll!


what a fun family outing!!!! And congratulations on soon to have a new little one!!

Erin said...

Lookin good, Mama! Love the bangs! Cute shirt, by the way;o)