Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ryland's Buddy!

Granted from this picture you cannot tell that Ryland thinks this guy is the GrEaTeSt!!!
Reeves Mooseman, adopted Ryland. He is now our adopted grandpa. Ryland is our "rebel" at times if you will, and Reeves just shows him kindness and asks us why we pick on him.Reeves was the rebel himself. He has quite the story.He particularly started paying special attention to Ryland when Dacie was born. Ryland started giving him hugs every week at church, then Reeves started bringing him candy. that is now a Sunday ritual-no Sunday is complete without it.That candy turned to Reeves watching Ryland while I had speaking assignments, etc. Sometimes Ryland prefers to sit with him at church and sometimes we gladly let him, because he is so good for him.
Well, Reeves is the typical Cottonwood cowboy and wears boots, bolo tie, and nice cowboy Sunday shirt to church. Reeves went and bought Ryland a nice cowboy Sunday shirt just like him...and now that is Ryland's shirt of preference.
Ryland was OF COURSE mad at Dan or I during this picture....But I had to snap it while I could. Reeves drives trucks for the trash company I answer phones for, and Ryland LOVES to find him driving.
It is "salt of the earth" people like this that makes me glad I am raising my family in a small town! I hope I remember to LOVE little children when I get older too!


Trezise Momma said...

Brother Moosman is a really neat guy! I am glad that he and Ryland are such great buddies. How neat.

TexasTwinsTwice said...

Oh that is the sweetest thing ever!! What a great antidote for 'middle child' syndrome. How fun for him to have a buddy--LOVE the matching bolo ties!